
Bad Luck Boys at the time being - first Ponny hurt his paw, and that has taken its time. Then it was Kane who did an overly athletic jump, and landed on some sharp shells on a rock on the beach - and hit them quite hard, since he jumped almost three meters! Expensive for me, booooring for all three of us... I guess people might think I have some Münchhausens by proxy or something, going about and having my dogs limping and bandaged!

Senaste kommentarer

03.09 | 16:52

Looks awesome! I need to go on a trip like that! :)

28.03 | 11:17

Så kul å høre fra dere! Du fant bilder av det flotte søskenparet i yngre dager?
Vi er på Facebook også, blant annet på den norske Lancashireheelerklubben!

28.03 | 11:10

Hej Gitte och Pony!
En hälsning från din åldrande syster i Sverige Little Lupi, Luppan. Roligt att titta på bilderna! / Lollo och Luppan

14.10 | 16:15

Takk Nina, hyggelig å høre!