Ponny's friends - then and now

To the right, the picture I took this May of the boys in the birch forest at Maridalen. To the left, an old picture of Ponny and his faithful Panter (passed away in 2007), posing in the same way. I thought I'd seen the picture before... and in one way I had. Kane is in many ways similar to Panter, and that is not the worst thing to be for a dog...

Kane - Then and Now

To the left, Kane is pictured as the shy country boy he was - the picture is taken on September 24th 2007, on the way to our first morning walk in his new home in the city. To the right, Kane on February 22nd, rearing and ready to go for another morning walk - not many worries in the world!

Kane Then and Now

To the left, Kane rides in the farm car with little sister Bella, both fitting on the floor in front of the passenger seat. To the right he is visiting his old home farm, travelling in the same car, this taking up a lot more space! Kane rides in the back seat, while sister Bella and mama Pim occupies the back of the car.

Senaste kommentarer

03.09 | 16:52

Looks awesome! I need to go on a trip like that! :)


28.03 | 11:17

Så kul å høre fra dere! Du fant bilder av det flotte søskenparet i yngre dager?
Vi er på Facebook også, blant annet på den norske Lancashireheelerklubben!

28.03 | 11:10

Hej Gitte och Pony!
En hälsning från din åldrande syster i Sverige Little Lupi, Luppan. Roligt att titta på bilderna! / Lollo och Luppan

14.10 | 16:15

Takk Nina, hyggelig å høre!