View over Else's garden, complete with playing cattledogs. Kane and older half sister Tilda is playing and Bella runs down to join.
Kane and his Swedish family. Mother Pim at the far right, red Tilda (half sister) and litter sister Bella.
Getting four cattledogs to pose at the same time is not easy, so we thought laying them down would buy us a bit of camera time. Tilda, Kane, Bella and mom Pim.
This is the last frame before Bella decides to get up and go!
Now big mama Pim has decided to let camera be camera, and just watch her pretty kids doing the job.
Modeling job well over, Kane and Tilda starts their flirting.
Kane works hard to get his sister to like him, and this is his famous Wally Walleye look - with the whites of his eye showing!
Hoping to get lucky...
Building a relationship through mimicking each other. Always fun to watch.
Bella is a bit curious about brother Kane, and makes her advances.
Kane showing off...
But here comes Tilda...
Bella decides to rid herself of her sister...
Does not seem to work...
Being ignored!
And when Tilda leaves, here comes Ponny - who thinks Kane should behave better.
So Bella shows her brother her own favorite haunt, the little dam by the old water pump. Shade and nice dirty water... can a cattledog ask for more?
In case anyone wondered where Kane's expressive eyes come from... On the front porch with mother Pim at the farm.
Mother and son.
Kane tries out his family's dog house, where they have their own room in doors - with a couch and all.
We are heading for the cows, and the cattledogs are getting into the farm car for the ride. Pim is first, Bella waits her turn, and Kane wonders if he is welcome.
Kane's first glimpse of Else's herd of cows in the field by the river.
He decided to camouflage himself, and rolled in cow dung while still on leash - earning a bath in the cows' drinking water, with Tilda watching.
Else walks toward her herd, followed closely by Bella and Tilda. The herd is used to the dogs from daily visits, and is well behaved.
Pim, Tilda and Bella poses in front of the cows in the field.
Kane is a bit more doubtful, rookie as he is. He showed a healthy sense of humility when the big Simmental bull turned his head to watch him.
This big, white cow was the "watch dog" of Else's herd. She placed herself firmly in front of the others, wondering what this new dog was up to - barking at them. Kane decides to be polite, since none of his family supports him... his sisters and mother knows they should act out on the cattle only on command!
Having gotten a bit used to the cattle, and understanding that being on the right side av the right fence can be a good thing, Kane shows more curiosity and forwardness - in his first real close encounter.
Almost like a Turner painting - with heelers! Kane and his family runs together with Ponny on the fields of the farm.
A dog's life...
Ponny is happy living out the life of a country dog!
Kane and Bella racing each other on the field, while Tilda is somewhere around hoping for a rabbit to chase instead.
The dogs are checking out if there are any Canada goose left in the reeds - hoping for the best, even if the birds definitely have paddled off.
This is actually Kane, shaking off river water.
Kane and Bella cools off among the water lilies.
Ponny decided it was time to cool off too, and very purposefully he swims a short round - watched by Bella.
After walking the fields, we turned into another field - where there are several viking burial mounds. Kane, Bella and Pim rest in the shade.
Then Ponny, Tilda and Else joined too - and suddenly we realized that everyone except me had lined nicely up!
From the viking graves we went on to visit the sheep. Here Kane eyes some of the Gotland ewes and lambs.
A car load of cattledogs: Bella, Pim and Tilda in the back, Kane in the seat, ready for the drive home.
At the end of the day: Kane in his usual farm car position: Looking eagerly out the window for more exciting sights.
A few days before the World Dog Show in the summer of 2008 we traveled to beautiful Ransta to visit Kane's childhood home - the Selin farm. Here are the photos from our stay there, complete with visits to Else's cow herd and sheeps, and lots of play pictures of Kane and his relatives. The littlest heeler also fitted right in, so now the cattle boys say they want to move to the countryside! All photos are texted, so travel with us through this lovely day!
View over Else's garden, complete with playing cattledogs. Kane and older half sister Tilda is playing and Bella runs down to join.
Kane and his Swedish family. Mother Pim at the far right, red Tilda (half sister) and litter sister Bella.
Getting four cattledogs to pose at the same time is not easy, so we thought laying them down would buy us a bit of camera time. Tilda, Kane, Bella and mom Pim.
This is the last frame before Bella decides to get up and go!
Now big mama Pim has decided to let camera be camera, and just watch her pretty kids doing the job.
Modeling job well over, Kane and Tilda starts their flirting.
Kane works hard to get his sister to like him, and this is his famous Wally Walleye look - with the whites of his eye showing!
Hoping to get lucky...
Building a relationship through mimicking each other. Always fun to watch.
Bella is a bit curious about brother Kane, and makes her advances.
Kane showing off...
But here comes Tilda...
Bella decides to rid herself of her sister...
Does not seem to work...
Being ignored!
And when Tilda leaves, here comes Ponny - who thinks Kane should behave better.
So Bella shows her brother her own favorite haunt, the little dam by the old water pump. Shade and nice dirty water... can a cattledog ask for more?
In case anyone wondered where Kane's expressive eyes come from... On the front porch with mother Pim at the farm.
Mother and son.
Kane tries out his family's dog house, where they have their own room in doors - with a couch and all.
We are heading for the cows, and the cattledogs are getting into the farm car for the ride. Pim is first, Bella waits her turn, and Kane wonders if he is welcome.
Kane's first glimpse of Else's herd of cows in the field by the river.
He decided to camouflage himself, and rolled in cow dung while still on leash - earning a bath in the cows' drinking water, with Tilda watching.
Else walks toward her herd, followed closely by Bella and Tilda. The herd is used to the dogs from daily visits, and is well behaved.
Pim, Tilda and Bella poses in front of the cows in the field.
Kane is a bit more doubtful, rookie as he is. He showed a healthy sense of humility when the big Simmental bull turned his head to watch him.
This big, white cow was the "watch dog" of Else's herd. She placed herself firmly in front of the others, wondering what this new dog was up to - barking at them. Kane decides to be polite, since none of his family supports him... his sisters and mother knows they should act out on the cattle only on command!
Having gotten a bit used to the cattle, and understanding that being on the right side av the right fence can be a good thing, Kane shows more curiosity and forwardness - in his first real close encounter.
Almost like a Turner painting - with heelers! Kane and his family runs together with Ponny on the fields of the farm.
A dog's life...
Ponny is happy living out the life of a country dog!
Kane and Bella racing each other on the field, while Tilda is somewhere around hoping for a rabbit to chase instead.
The dogs are checking out if there are any Canada goose left in the reeds - hoping for the best, even if the birds definitely have paddled off.
This is actually Kane, shaking off river water.
Kane and Bella cools off among the water lilies.
Ponny decided it was time to cool off too, and very purposefully he swims a short round - watched by Bella.
After walking the fields, we turned into another field - where there are several viking burial mounds. Kane, Bella and Pim rest in the shade.
Then Ponny, Tilda and Else joined too - and suddenly we realized that everyone except me had lined nicely up!
From the viking graves we went on to visit the sheep. Here Kane eyes some of the Gotland ewes and lambs.
A car load of cattledogs: Bella, Pim and Tilda in the back, Kane in the seat, ready for the drive home.
At the end of the day: Kane in his usual farm car position: Looking eagerly out the window for more exciting sights.
Mer infoGilla
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