"Our" tame crows have brought a lot of friends to see us at the cemetary! In Winter, there are up to 15-20 crows, and usually one or two faithful magpies. It started with me feeding a small and hungry magpie some 15 years ago. She started to wait for me every morning when I was walking the dogs, and a crow observed this; they are much more suspicious. These days, there are a Crow couple waiting for us outside the house, and a magpie by the cemetary gate. These three will recognize me even without the dogs, even in winter when I often change clothes before going off to work. Then there are all the occasional guests, more in winter of course. In the summer, when the cemetary is ruled by the trushes who will attack any big bird close to their nests, there's always that one faithful crow which will meet us! It's fascinating also to watch the behaviour when "our" crows venture into other birds' territory. The boys is so used to them, that they let the crows pick up food right next to them. I have this "ssshhh" sound, which means "now you can chase them", a good way of exercising the boys at times - and the crows don't seem to mind, since there's no such thing as a free lunch.