Kane and Alem (7) in one of their rare stops during our walk in the woods. Foto: Lena
Well clothed against the cold, Kane and Alem (7), around New Year.
We look forward to spring - and more light! This is what I see most evenings walking the dogs...
Kane stares wonderingly at his little bravehearted companion, which he both is a little scared of, and at the same time endlessly curious about. Here Ponny makes a point of ignoring the endless staring...
Is there a "hill", the boys move to this vantage point - scouting over the park.
Kane insisted on riding shotgun too, when we were passengers in my niece's car - staring out through the windows on all this wonderful countryside rolling by. I swear, he is never really tired...
The Gentlemen's Club - Mac, Ponny and Kane (hangaround) - digging for the mice that they are sure is down there, somewhere, under the snow at Kløfta, March 09.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! ...a rubber toy anytime. Kane is exactly like the kid outside the toy store. He tried to dig his way through the window pane when he spotted the cousins of his squeaky toys.
March 28th at Bygdøy, new snow but a sense of spring in the air still. The boys enjoyed running at the beach immensely.
Having watched Ponny pose for a picture on a rock, Kane wanted his photo taken the same way too - and volunteered. Gave him a better view over the ducks too...
If there's a stair, Kane has to try to walk it to the top. He's in for a long wait though, hasn't been a boat arriving here for a long time.
Back on Bygdøy, it's very springlike now, and a nice warm sun. Kane, as usual, studies the seagulls, ducks and geese
Kane stands still for a second. Not voluntarily.
Kane looks like a big boy now. And could have had a date with a nice girl if life had been fair. Oh well, there's always bird watching...
He's got the look
Great present from our friend Uwe in Germany (soon back in Sweden!), now I also have a car again in which to put it!
Beautiful boy, April 8th, 2009, a month and a half before he turns 2 years. TIme indeed flies!
Not quite happy about all this stupid posing for pictures, when there's so much else to do - like roll in the droppings from the seagull on the pier...
Pawprints in the sand at Bygdøy, april 2009.
Kane the Indian!
Back on track again after a lot of snow, Kane worked a bit fast, skipping some objects, finding others quite enthisiastically. April 09.
Garage Boys: Kane and Ponny visiting a friend's garage, posing in front of his Chevy from the 50s... which eventually might become a car again someday.
Kane posing on Hvitstein beach, a small village where an old shipping magnate has decorated the center with figureheads from the bows of his old ships.
Lovely day in the spring birch forest of Maridalen.
Mandatory spring photo: Kane among the wood anemones.
Kane's new working dog vest from Kifani, made with his name and a nice, smiling pirate skull!
Winning the class at Norsk Boxer Klubbs kveldsstevne, spor class D, June 5th, 2009 for judge Ronny Iversen.
Kane in July 2009, watching Else's herd of beef cattle as well as the neighbours stock on the other side of the stream.
Kane and Ponny (you can see his tail only!) picking berries with their birddog friends Jippi, Bare and Szarga - three generations of Small Münsterländers.
The rowan trees have a lot of red fruits this year, which according to old lore means it will be a snowy winter.
A pensive moment, September 2009. We are on the hill overlooking Dausjøen, and the boys are content after a long day in the woods.
Kane in the field. He will disappear in the wheat fields, coming "up" from time to time to check on things - and me.
Fall 2009 and the boys are posing in the woods of Maridalen.
Beautiful Maridalen. Around here I took some of my first pictures of Kane after he moved from Else to me; the ones early in the first album page.
One of the last real swims for the season? We found some "new" places after the fields were harvested, and becoming walkable.
Kane in the Svartskog forest outside Oslo, where they have lovely signs showing good views
Kane and Ponny out on a walk with our friend Alem again! She is becoming a big girl now, and helps me train Kane in budføring as well as hiding in the woods for him to find her for rundering.
September light... in Maridalen
In the old forest near Dausjøen, the dead lake, again...
Kane at the class for Kenth Svartberg in September 2009, showing his nice heelwork
Eager boy!
The reward... as usual... the squeaky toy!
Training the guided retrieve... full speed
He IS cute - also when he concentrates (these Svartberg-pics are all by Kjersti)
Kane proudly shows his closest family - from left his sisters Bella and Tillie and mother Pim - the papers which confirms he has a Junior Herding Dog-title!
Kane and Alem (7) in one of their rare stops during our walk in the woods. Foto: Lena
Well clothed against the cold, Kane and Alem (7), around New Year.
We look forward to spring - and more light! This is what I see most evenings walking the dogs...
Kane stares wonderingly at his little bravehearted companion, which he both is a little scared of, and at the same time endlessly curious about. Here Ponny makes a point of ignoring the endless staring...
Is there a "hill", the boys move to this vantage point - scouting over the park.
Kane insisted on riding shotgun too, when we were passengers in my niece's car - staring out through the windows on all this wonderful countryside rolling by. I swear, he is never really tired...
The Gentlemen's Club - Mac, Ponny and Kane (hangaround) - digging for the mice that they are sure is down there, somewhere, under the snow at Kløfta, March 09.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! ...a rubber toy anytime. Kane is exactly like the kid outside the toy store. He tried to dig his way through the window pane when he spotted the cousins of his squeaky toys.
March 28th at Bygdøy, new snow but a sense of spring in the air still. The boys enjoyed running at the beach immensely.
Having watched Ponny pose for a picture on a rock, Kane wanted his photo taken the same way too - and volunteered. Gave him a better view over the ducks too...
If there's a stair, Kane has to try to walk it to the top. He's in for a long wait though, hasn't been a boat arriving here for a long time.
Back on Bygdøy, it's very springlike now, and a nice warm sun. Kane, as usual, studies the seagulls, ducks and geese
Kane stands still for a second. Not voluntarily.
Kane looks like a big boy now. And could have had a date with a nice girl if life had been fair. Oh well, there's always bird watching...
He's got the look
Great present from our friend Uwe in Germany (soon back in Sweden!), now I also have a car again in which to put it!
Beautiful boy, April 8th, 2009, a month and a half before he turns 2 years. TIme indeed flies!
Not quite happy about all this stupid posing for pictures, when there's so much else to do - like roll in the droppings from the seagull on the pier...
Pawprints in the sand at Bygdøy, april 2009.
Kane the Indian!
Back on track again after a lot of snow, Kane worked a bit fast, skipping some objects, finding others quite enthisiastically. April 09.
Garage Boys: Kane and Ponny visiting a friend's garage, posing in front of his Chevy from the 50s... which eventually might become a car again someday.
Kane posing on Hvitstein beach, a small village where an old shipping magnate has decorated the center with figureheads from the bows of his old ships.
Lovely day in the spring birch forest of Maridalen.
Mandatory spring photo: Kane among the wood anemones.
Kane's new working dog vest from Kifani, made with his name and a nice, smiling pirate skull!
Winning the class at Norsk Boxer Klubbs kveldsstevne, spor class D, June 5th, 2009 for judge Ronny Iversen.
Kane in July 2009, watching Else's herd of beef cattle as well as the neighbours stock on the other side of the stream.
Kane and Ponny (you can see his tail only!) picking berries with their birddog friends Jippi, Bare and Szarga - three generations of Small Münsterländers.
The rowan trees have a lot of red fruits this year, which according to old lore means it will be a snowy winter.
A pensive moment, September 2009. We are on the hill overlooking Dausjøen, and the boys are content after a long day in the woods.
Kane in the field. He will disappear in the wheat fields, coming "up" from time to time to check on things - and me.
Fall 2009 and the boys are posing in the woods of Maridalen.
Beautiful Maridalen. Around here I took some of my first pictures of Kane after he moved from Else to me; the ones early in the first album page.
One of the last real swims for the season? We found some "new" places after the fields were harvested, and becoming walkable.
Kane in the Svartskog forest outside Oslo, where they have lovely signs showing good views
Kane and Ponny out on a walk with our friend Alem again! She is becoming a big girl now, and helps me train Kane in budføring as well as hiding in the woods for him to find her for rundering.
September light... in Maridalen
In the old forest near Dausjøen, the dead lake, again...
Kane at the class for Kenth Svartberg in September 2009, showing his nice heelwork
Eager boy!
The reward... as usual... the squeaky toy!
Training the guided retrieve... full speed
He IS cute - also when he concentrates (these Svartberg-pics are all by Kjersti)
Kane proudly shows his closest family - from left his sisters Bella and Tillie and mother Pim - the papers which confirms he has a Junior Herding Dog-title!
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