Drammen Hundesenter
May 31st, 2015
NM Smeller 2015
Kane's last competition ever was to be the Norwegian championship in Smeller - the name of a new nosework competition sport that he loved to train for. We withdrew after the first two exercises, since he wasn't quite back to his usual self after a month long rehabilitation after arthroscopy of his shoulders.
Instead we we went for a walk along the river - and celebrated his new staus as regired working dog! Sadly this wasn't something he was to enjoy for long 💙
Bengtsfors Brukshundklubb Obedience class III Sweden, October 8th, 2011
We competed for judge Tommy Gunnarsson in Sweden, again trying to get into the elite class. And again - we missed, because I seem to handle Kane differently than in the working dog obedience, and he reacts to that with some protest, before I managed to "pick him up" again - and finish in style. But by then, we had missed out on two important exersises.
Felles sitt: 10 Fellesdekk: 10 Fri ved foten: 8,5 Sitt under marsj: 9 Innkalling med stå og dekk: 0 (he manages to walk and sniff the entire distance towards me) Rute med dekk og innkalling: 5 Apport med hopp over hinder: 9 Neseprøve: 10 Fjerndirigering: 7
All in all: 233 points, and a 2. prize - 22 points away from the 1st prize. This was enough to place 2nd in the class III out of 7 competitors, with only one 1st prize being awarded this day.
The picture is of Kane and of my marvellous little man, Ponny - who aced it in his first obedience trial in eight years or so! Ponny got 182 points, missed winning with 1 point, only beaten by a Border collie - and caused smiles on everyones faces with no less than 5 x 10 points, 3 x 9 points and "only" 7 points in the heelwork.
Sarpsborg Hundeklubb RUNDERING CLASS A Sarpsborg October 1st and 2nd, 2011
Started two days in a row.
Day 1 Rundering: Kane only found one out of the three hidden helpers out in the woods, not the only one this day. A zero. Obedience: A nice character 10 for the long stay with shots fired, and I am also very pleased with 9.5 points for the heelwork for judge Geir Kildebo. Object search: Kane found only two, one of them a squeaky toy - with sound! So that didn't go well!
All in all: Not approved this time.
Day 2 Rundering: Kane worked well, as always a bit independent and stubborn, but spirited - so spirited he insisted on "helping" to take the covers off the figurants. Only a 5 because of this :) Obedience: I think Kane worked as well as the day before, but another judge looked more for things to fault than for the good stuff - so overall I wasn't too pleased with what was recognized. No zeros, and we're back on track with the jump - a 10 (no touching anymore, so if anyone needs a couple of brooms to help the jump training...) Object search: Didn't find all of them today either, he seemed to be in a running modus (we came straight from the forest to do the search and then the obedience).
All in all: Approved with 415 points.
Rundering class A
Norsk Schäferhund Klub avdeling Halden April 3rd, 2011
We got another "approved" grade, bettering our points a bit - to 473,5. Judges were Finn Rive (rundering) and Geir Kildebo.
Fri ved foten: 9 points Innkalling med stå og dekk: 5 pts (dekket ikke, vått) Fremadsending gjennom gruppe: 9 (!) Kryp: 0 (very wet, 5 of 6 dogs got a zero today) Hals på kommando: 9,5 pts Fritt hopp over hinder: 6,5 pts (touch begge veier) Apportering metallapport: 8 pts Tungapport: 9 pts Stigeklatring: 10 pts (!) Fellesdekk: 10 pts
Altogether 217 pts on the obedience.
Rundering (search) 7,5 pts (he found all the hidden helpers, but was a bit hesitant in barking at the best hidden, and the judge outguessed me when I said the search command again :-)
Feltsøk (object search) 6,5 points (missed 1 of the 4, Kane started very well, but "fell" a bit in the last minutes)
Posing after the feltsøk...
Posing after the feltsøk...
Brukslydighetskonkurranse, vintercupen 1
(working dog competition, obedience) Stovner Hundeklubb, Kløfta January 16th, 2011 Judge: Geir B. Larsen
Fri ved foten: 7.5 (I ran too fast, Kane started jumping)
Innkalling m/stå og dekk: 0 (Kane was lost, stayed in his down, started sniffing, and didn't want to come)
Fremadsending: 0 (went pretty perfect, except he stopped and I was too late getting him to move, and he came to close which got us a 0, but praise from the judge for the rest of it)
Kryp: 10 (that WAS perfect, Kane was a prince!)
Hals på kommando: 9 (perfect untill Kane started to bark the second time when he heard the command given to me..., but loud and without halts)
Fritt hopp over hinder: 10 (yeah!)
Apportering metallapport: 8 (I used the LP-metal dumbell, which Kane thinks is icky and carries like something rather disgusting, in a trot back)
Apportering tung gjenstand: 7 (2 kilo dumbell, but Kane thought this was more fun and came at a gallop, and almost started to buck with it, so I had to use a second command - but fun that he thought it was fun!)
Stigeklatring: 9 (Kane took all the steps, I was happy, but judge found it a bit too staccato)
Fellesdekk: 0 (no idea why Kane was uncomfortable in his long stay, the dog next to us was bit barky before the exercise started; he just rose and started sneaking after me, got him down from a distance - and there he stayed)
Afterwards, the judge praised us for many good parts of the programme, and pointed out where I let my dog down. Good training, good people to meet, nice wafles to eat, and a nice start for the new competion year!
Picture from today, taken from the Facebook page av Anne Lise Nes.
Picture from today, taken from the Facebook page av Anne Lise Nes.
Kane is so good when he is good! Great picture of him heeling, at this summer's obedience camp at Kronvallarens/Heidi Billkvam for wonderful instructor Rosita Johansen. Photo by Ulrica Bevreus
Rundering Class A Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb, avd Oslo/Akershus October 16th, 2010
Result: 446 points (approved/godkjent) Judges: Øyvind Halvorsen (rundering) and Anne Marit Traaholt (LP and felt)
Obedience: 221,5 pts Fri ved foten: 8 pts (pendler litt) Innkalling med stå og dekk: 9 pts Fremadsending: 7 pts (rot i starten, DK, resten perfekt!) Kryp: 0 (rumpa opp!) Hals på kommando: 7.5 pts Fritt hopp over hinder: 8 pts (touchet) Apportering metallapport: 9 pts Apportering tung gjenstand: 9.5 pts Stigeklatring: 9 pts (hoppet opp på starten) Fellesdekk med skudd: 10 pts
Rundering/spesialøvelse: 224.5 pts Rundering: 6.5 pts (missed 1 figurant, dekket ikke området godt nok) Felt: 6 pts (3 av 4 gjenstander, ulydig i feltet, mente dommeren)
I thought all in all he did pretty well. He was fun in obedience, and was eager to work all through the felt and the rundering - just needs more routine. I look forward to next year!
Rundering class B
Sarpsborg Hundeklubb, September 24th, 2010 Judges: Ingar Oliversen (rundering)/Ronny Iversen (obedience, feltsøk) Result: Moved up to class A (elite)
And we were back in business! The day started with the forest search (rundering), which seems to be a good thing for Kane. And it certainly ended on a high note - with the object search; full house!
Rundering: 8 points Kane searched back in the area on a few of the rounds, instead of going forward, and peed one time! But he worked well, and found all three figurants easily.
Obedience: Total 219.5 points
Fri ved foten: 9 points Innkalling med stå: 8 points Fremadsending gjennom gruppe: 7.5 points Kryp: 5 points Hals på kommando: 10 points Fritt hopp over hinder: 5 points Apportering av tung gjenstand: 9.5 points Fellesdekk med 4 skudd: 9.5 points
Feltsøk: 10 points
Total sum: 487.5 points, and moved up to class A.
Rundering class B - debut
Drammen og Omegn Brukshundklubb, Lier, September 11th, 2010 Working Dog klass B Judge: Tommy Thøgersen
Kane's debut in class B was rather disastrous, but we made it through.
Obedience: 44 points It started with obedience - and apart from heeling off leash (fri ved foten) which he got 8 points for, and bark on commando (halsgivning), where he got 6 points (he barked after being told to be silent), he pretty much got zeroes on the rest! He seemed very "off", and wanted to sniff the ground no matter what...
Rundering: 5 points (130 total) The searching was 300 meters, and he was pretty short in the rounds he made off to the one side - and therefore missed one of the three figurants. I did some very, very silly faults/bad handling, but he was willing to go - no matter what. And in total, he got 5 points.
Feltsøk: 9 points (total 54) What saved the day, which was very long... and extremely wet and all rainy, was the object search. He performed like a prince, and got 9 points - and seemed his own, happy self again, and that felt good!
A grand total of: 228 points!
Rundering (forest search) class C
Nannestad og Omegn Hundeklubb, May 30, 2010 Judge: Widar Bratlie
Kane's debut in rundering went well - he qualified for class B (högre, the second highest).
Rundering: 8.5 points (he did well, found all three figurants, great and long barking, nice behavior, quite obedient, the missing points are handler faults)
Obedience: 262 points 1. Lineføring: 7 pts 2. Gå foran i line: 9 pts 3. Dekk under marsj: 8.5 pts 4. Innkalling: 9 pts 5. Kryp: 10 pts 6. Apportering: 8 pts 7. Fritt hopp over hinder: 8 pts 8. Fellesdekk med skudd: 10 pts
Even with 0 in budføring, we got 483 points - which means that he got moved up to the next class, and won.
Obedience class III debut
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Avd Oslo/Akershus, Ekeberg May 12th, 2010 Judge: Arild Berntsen
1. Fellesdekk 4 min m/skjult fører: 0 points (he stood slowly up, moved two meters forward, then sat down and stayed) 2. Fri ved foten: 8.5 pts (at times very good, said the judge) 3. Sitt under marsj: 8 pts (did the "sit" to a 10, then was distracted in the fri ved foten finish) 4. Innkalling fra dekk med stå og dekk: 8.5 pts (not too bad, although the judge laughed about how loud I shouted) 5. Fremadsending med dekk og på plass: 6 pts (he did great, but I was a bit silly when commanding him down, making him bark the whole time out in the square, before he did a great return to me) 6. Apportering over hinder: 9 pts (nice work) 7. Apportering av metallgjenstand: 8.5 pts (nice speed out, took it a bit awkward but never let go) 8. Neseprøve: 0 (chose a wrong one) 9. Kontroll over hunden på avstand: 6.5 pts (part went well, then he fell out - and so did I) 10. Helhetsinntrykk: 8 pts
Total: 185.5 (at least we were no. 10 out of 15... and only two O's)
Funksjonsanalyse - mentality test
Askim April 24th, 2010
Funksjonsanalyse - Norwegian adult dog mentality test Judges: Trygve Kroken & Runar Oudemayer Bestått/Approved
1. Tilgjengelighet (availability): 4 (takes contact with a strange person, like when the owner takes contact)
2. Lekelyst(play/hunt drive): 3 (easy to get started, active, separates between activity/passivity)
4. Sosial kamp (social fight drive):1 (does not answer challenge)
5. Sosial dominans (social dominance): 2 (shows small signs of dominance in play situation)
6. Jaktlyst(prey drive):3 (a little hesitant at start, interest grows, completes it)
7. Byttegripende (prey grip):4 (grips determinedly, drags object back with him, terminates)
8. Forsvarslyst(defense drive): 1 (shows no engagement)
9. Funksjonsutvikling (intensity and speed): 1 (no visible reaction)
10. Terskelverdi (how strong threat trigger flight/fight): 5 (no fight/flight reaction)
11. Avreaksjon (ability to bounce back): 3 (bounces back according to the reaction)
12. Konsentrasjon (dog's ability to keep concentration): 2 (breaks concentration a bit fast, when influenced actively or passively)
13. Koordinering (coordination in/between the moments): 4 (solves majority of the moments rationally)
14. Temperament (how fast the dog adjusts to the environment): 3 (Attentive, responds fast to the majority of the test situations, adjust to the test situation)
15. Mot (courage, the ability to solve a task on its own): 3 (solves most test situations independently, but requires relatively long time)
16. Skarphet (sharpness, the dog's reflex reaction to a sudden threat): 2 (moves a bit away, turns toward the object, shows no signs of sharpness)
17. Skuddfast(reaction to shots fired): 1 (skuddfast, totally untouched or showing small signs of attention)
Veteran mentality judge Kroken said Kane was the cattledog with the best reactions, concentration and temperament he had seen from the breed. Kane did well, although Kroken doubted my safety with Kane as a guard dog! I think that in a "real" situation, he will come around - he has shown signs of it, although they weren't present today!
Tracking Class C, Sarpsborg Hundeklubb, April 17th, 2010 Not approved
Kane's debut in Class C (lägre) was on an extremely windy day, which showed: After backtracking, then picking up the track, he went off it - wanting to "follow" the scent up onto the cliff side, whereas the track was going parallell with it. I chose to take him off the track, too bad. Being stubborn, I went back there after the competition, where I got him literally back on track - finding 4 out of 8 objects...
Sporoppsøk: 6 Track: 0 Judge for the track/sporoppsøk: Terje Pedersen
Budføring with shots: 6 points (DK, a bit slow back)
(total in the special exercises 68 points)
Obedience Fellesdekk with 4 shots: 0 (he got up at the first shot, looked back, and laid down without reacting at the next 3) Lineføring: 9.5 Gå foran i line: 8.5 Dekk under marsj: 8.5 Innkalling: 9.5 Kryp: 8 Apportering: 7 (changing grip, a bit sloppy) Fritt hopp over hinder: 7 (touched) (total of 202.5 points)
Judge obedience: Finn Rive
Too few, too late - but Kane found them, renewing my somewhat wavering doubts about his tracking career...
Too few, too late - but Kane found them, renewing my somewhat wavering doubts about his tracking career...
Norsk Howawart Klubb, Tønsberg March 6, 2010 LP II (Obedience class 2) Dommer: Stein Feragen 24 entered
Kane got 167.5 points, which means a 1st prize and getting moved up to LP III, obedience class III. He also placed 2nd, as one of two dogs only who managed to get the 1. prize.
Fellesdekk med skjult fører: 9 Fri ved foten: 8.5 Dekk under marsj: 8.5 Innkalling fra sitt med stå: 6.5 Stå under marsj: 8.5 Apportering: 10 Fritt hopp over hinder med sitt: 10 Fremadsending med stå og på plass: 8 Kontroll over hunden på avstand: 7 Helhetsinntrykk: 8
Follo Brukshundklubb, Enebakk, January 23rd, 2010
LP II - obedience class II Judge Erik Brenden
Kane's debut in LP II was - as usual with everything concerning Kane - interesting. In the end he scored 149 points, which gave him a 2nd prize, not enough to be moved up to next class. Of the 26-27 dogs competing in his class, he placed nr. 9 - there were only 3 dogs who got a 1st prize actually. Here are his points:
Fellesdekk (long down, handler hidden): 10 points Fri ved foten (heelwork off leash): 7.5 pts Dekk under marsj (down during heel): 7.5 pts Innkalling fra sitt med stå (recall and stand): 6 pts Stå under marsj (stand during heel): 9 pts Apportering (retrieve): 8.5 pts Fritt hopp over hinder med sitt (jump with sit on other side): 10 pts Fremadsending med stå og på plass (sending with stand): 8 pts Kontroll over hunden på avstand (signal exercise): 0 pts Helhetsinntrykk (overall impression): 8 pts
Life is not boring with Kane, he performs brilliantly at times, and then has his ideas. It was a strict judge, he took two points off my "almost perfect" dekk under marsj - because I stomped my foot unconsciously at the same time as I said the command, and moved when I said "på plass" when I came back to the dog. But I learned a lot - including some competition "tricks", about how to rescue a bad situation like I had in the signal exercise without getting a 0. Oh well, next time!
NKK Lillestrøm, Saturday November 28th, 2009 Judge: Glenda Cook, Australia
Kane's first show entered in the Champion Class - and he came out with a blue ribbon from a judge who didn't like anything about him (which was reciprocal). Oh yeah, right, she thought that he was in great condition! Oh well, it's a first, and he wasn't the only champion ACD who got a blue; they weren't heavy enough for an Australian judge - at the same time these two were the proven herding dogs that day.
NKK Lillestrøm, Saturday November 28th 2009 Class I Obedience, judges Leif Arne Olsen og Arild Berntsen.
165,5 points and 1st prize, placed as number 9 in the class.
AHBA Herding, Tystberga in Sweden October 17th, 2009 Judges: Linda Rorem and Lynn Leach
Kane now has the title Junior Herding Dog, after having qualified through two runs during Happy Heeler Week this October. It's an unofficial title still here in Scandinavia.
Lynn Leach's comment: "A strong dog"
Linda Rorem's comment: "A very strong dog"
Kane got a bit too eager, it is the obedience which is failing, and of course he is an excitable young fella. Lynn Leach told us to go back to basics, and go slow - that he is still a young dog in this kind of work.
Kane at work with the sheep during Happy Heeler Week in Tystberga, October 2009 (photo by Mariann at kennel Fiffihills)
Kane at work with the sheep during Happy Heeler Week in Tystberga, October 2009 (photo by Mariann at kennel Fiffihills)
Tracking Class D, Fredrikstad og Omegn Brukshundklubb, August 29th, 2009
Kane did nice competition work today, and improved his total score with about 90 points - getting a total of 286,5 points for judges Asbjørn Simensen (obedience) and Finn Rive (tracking) - thereby being moved up to working dog competition class C, and placing a nice 3rd among 10 or so dogs competing.
Tracking (spesialøvelsene): Score 8.5 points (he was a bit high strung on the track) Budføring: 8 points (total, with the coefficients, 75.5 points)
Obedience: Fellesdekk: 10 Lineføring: 9.5 Gå foran i line: 9.5 Dekk under marsj: 10 Innkalling: 10 Apportering: 9 Fritt hopp over hinder: 7 (he moved towards the ring steward, who had kept "his" dumbbell, and when I sat him down he was almost one meter to the side of the jump - but thanks to Roar and his idea of training the dogs to jump back no matter what, he jumped nicely back too) (total of 211 points)
Unofficial obedience training competition, Antrozoologisenteret Ås, August 19th 2009
Kane started in a training competition and placed 2nd with 172 points in class I. Visning av tenner 10 poeng Fellesdekk 2 minutter 10 poeng Lineføring 9,5 poeng Fri ved foten 8.5 poeng Dekk fra holdt 9.5 poeng Innkalling 9,5 poeng Stå under marsj 5 poeng Fritt hopp over hinder 8 poeng Helhetsinntrykk 10 poeng
(in English, this is letting the judge look at his teeth, the long down stay, heeling on leash, healing off leash, the down from a sit, the recall, the stop and stay from marching, free jump over the obstacle, and finally the overall impression)
The judge loved Kane for his spirit and power. I was happy about the long down, since three others dogs got up and the gray guy stayed put, and that he - with two exceptions (at the start of the stop and stay, and the start towards the jump) did not sniff around, which he did last time we were at these grounds. I have become stricter!
Norwegian Kennel Klub's International Show at Bjerke, August 15th 2009 Judge: Ian Smith, New Zealand Kane was BIM, as best male, and won a CACIB - his second, as well as becoming qualified to the Crufts Dog Show in Britain.
"Correct bite. Excellent breed type. Correct angulated front. Top line correct. Correct moving although slightly wide towards. Correct coat".
Swedish Australian Cattle Dog Club Specialty Show, July 5th 2009 Conformation description, SBK, judge: Marie Cypriansen
Kane also went through the conformation part of the Korning, which was done by a Kelpie breeder who quite liked him.
Going through the 100 or so different evaluations, she made some remarks - about his stop being a little too marked, that he was a little fine-boned, was a little narrow-moving coming and going, his eyes were a little light, and that his croup was a little short - but the huge majority of his body was without fault! So he passed, and now we will go for the temperament part in September.
Swedish Australian Cattle Dog Club Specialty Show July 5th, 2009 Judge: Maritha Östlund Holmsten
"2 år, nätt hane som kunde ha mer könsprägel, et ngt nätt huvud med utmärkede proportioner, lagom stop, utm. käker, välformat nosparti, bra bett och tänder, mellanbruna välformade ögon, välplacerade och välformade öron, hals av bra längd som kunde ha mer kraft, velplacerade skuldra, välver ryggen ngt bakom manken, plant aningen kort kors, tilräckligt förbryst, breda lår, bra benstomme, ben och tassar, äningen brant överarm, välvinklad bak, rör sig med ett lätt effektivt steg, bra päls".
She thought I had a "nice working dog", but that he was not heavy enough. Oh well, it' starting to become a habit to get a 1st prize and be "the last one standing" among the non-champion males - and still lose the certificate, for a judge who is not a breed specialist!
Herding Instinct Test, SACKs inofficial test, Mårtensby July 4th 2009.
Judge: Ewa Myrbrinck
Interest: 5 (0 disinterested, 5 totally focused) Natural ability: 3 (0 no control, 5 total control) Mental endurance: 5 (0 gives up at first resistance, 5 never gives up) These three gives the official average sum: 4,33
Cooperation and steerability: 3 (0 totally uncontrollable, 5 extremely soft) Comment: Intensive dog. Barks. Relatively easily controlled. Bites.
Tracking, class D, Nannestad Og Omegn Hundeklubb June 7th, 2009
After tracking competition on Friday evening, a dog show on Saturday, we went on to another tracking competition on Sunday - completing an exciting and fun weekend. Well, part of it has been fun! Kane is a bit scatterbrained these days, it seems, so we got about the same points the second time around - this time doing better in obedience, but getting a 0 in the long down, the opposite from Friday! So again, we got "approved" - but did not graduate to next class. Oh well, I know better now how I shall train him for the last touches; he needs to concentrate longer, he is a bit "AD HD" these days - when nothing happens for a few seconds, he gets a bit restless! So we will work on it... (After this long weekend, I cannot see any weariness - we actually rounded off the day by going for a long walk in the woods, Kane running with his ACD girlfriends and swimming in the lake)
Saturday, June 6th, 2009: Kane got his fifth certificate, a little over a week since his 2nd Birthday - and thereby turned Norwegian Show Champion. The show was the Norwegian Kennel Clubs international show in Drammen, judge Luis Pinto Teixeira. He wrote this about Kane: "Good proportions. Correct and complete mouth. Good skull. Good front and topline. Moves well". He awarded Kane the certificate and 1st of the males, thereby beating a very good looking Swedish Champion who also has been the National winner, as well as the CACIB. There also was a female Champion bitch, who didn't get the CK, so he went on to become Best Of Breed.
Kane with his ribbons for BOB and his championship.
Kane with his ribbons for BOB and his championship.
June 5th, 2009, another debut for Kane - this time in Working Dog Competition, tracking class D.
Today, Kane made his second debut this spring/summer, in tracking class D. It was another win for Kane on the evening competition of the Boxer Club of Norway - he placed 1st, and got the result "approved", but it was some points away from making it to class C.
For the track, he got 8 out of 10, finding all three objects. Since the judge follows us around, I have to give him maximum tracking line, and I was also hesitant of keeping the line tight - as I normally would, with a shorter line length - because I didn't want to appearing to steer him. So he ran through the track, me running behind, but did beautiful "downs" when he found the sticks we use as objects in the track. Then the obedience part... which proved the trickiest. The "budføring", where he runs between me and another person, I botched - I told him to be quiet and not bark when we where out by the helper, and then he wasn't really keen on going back to here. So he went to pee instead, but I did get him out - and then he ran off before being ordered. I have to remember that he is a lot softer than tend to see him... ONE little thing like this will get to him. At the down stay, another dog went for him - and then another. Poor Kane. We got to do it again, and got an 8. The rest of the exercises, he would do some parts excellent - and then totally lose it. Jump the obstacle beautifully, then just wander around it like he never heard of jumping back. I need to remember to be sweeter on him, instead of getting all tense - it was a bit hard, because it had become evening, with a nice wind coming towards him from the forest... and he was sniffing the dusk air, getting very drawn towards the trees. Because of our combined antics, we got a few 0's... and that cost us dearly.
As a total, we got 196 points - and with 224 we would have made it. But as a consolation we won. Kane was very happy with his prize, a nice chew bone! We will start in another tracking competition on Sunday, and perhaps he will be a bit more tired then... after tonight's competition, as well as a dog show on Saturday! The good Kane is like a perpetuum mobile...
Kane, me and judge Ronny Iversen at Norsk Boxer Klubbs competition at Sørmarka June 5th, 2009
Kane, me and judge Ronny Iversen at Norsk Boxer Klubbs competition at Sørmarka June 5th, 2009
February 15th, 2009: Kane's obedience debut, class I
Wonderful Kane did what he does best, work! Today he was entered in his first obedience competition, in Norwegian LP klasse 1. He was entered at Norsk Hovawart Klubbs competition for judge Tor Svein Haugen, with an entry of 25 dogs. Everything went great. That's the only way to say it. The judge loved his work, giving him 10 as overall impression, and praising him highly for his eagerness and happiness working. Kane actually WON the whole class, and it was great fun to go up there and get the 1st price rosette as well as the sølvmerke - "the silver badge", and those nice red ribbons... as well as a big bag of dog food, Kane's first contribution to our household economy!
Here are his points:
Visning av tenner 9.5 poeng Fellesdekk 2 minutter 10 poeng Lineføring 9 poeng Fri ved foten 9.5 poeng Dekk fra holdt 9.5 poeng Innkalling 10 poeng Stå under marsj 8.5 poeng Fritt hopp over hinder 10 poeng Helhetsinntrykk 10 poeng
Alltogether 190 points of 200 possible!
(in English, this is letting the judge look at his teeth, the long down stay, heeling on leash, healing off leash, the down from a sit, the recall, the stop and stay from marching, free jump over the obstacle, and finally the overall impression, very freely translated!)
Kane with his prize ribbons.
Kane with his prize ribbons.
November 23rd, 2008: New show Kane has been to the Norwegian Kennel Club Norwegian Winner Show at Vikingskipet, Hamar. Judging the Australian Cattle Dogs was South African allrounder Martin Croese, who had four specimens of the breed to judge. Kane went from Young Dog Class to get another Certificate, his fourth as a total, and his second "big" one. He also got the reserve CACIB, placing as 2 in the Best Male Class (BOB was by the wat WW-08 Ch Willacarra Blue Aramut). The written critique went like this: "Excellent type. Very good head, good expression, good neck and shoulder. Correct topline. Nice underline. Very good mover. Has to mature". I overheard the judge saying to the candidate judge who was also present, that "yes, he is young and has to mature, but at the same time he is also so good I will give him..." - and then came the nice colored ribbons 🙂
Out running on the winter fields the day before the show, and being made to stop for a few seconds.
Out running on the winter fields the day before the show, and being made to stop for a few seconds.
October 4th 2008, new show
Kane has been to another international kennel club show here in Norway, the NKK Kongsvinger, and got his first "big" certificate for judge Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel from Germany. She had the following to say about Kane, who was entered in the UK, young dog class:
"18 months, strong head, broad scull a bit round, pronounced stop, black nose, oval, dark eyes, well carried ears, masculine expression. Well built body, excellent lines and angulations, moves very well. Good coat and temperament".
He was also number 2 of 2 in the male class, getting the Reserve CACIB, being beaten by handsome Willacarra's Blue Aramut, this year's World Winner and a happy going dog.
"Watch out, this is MY ribbon"... Kane poses with the certificate ribbon.
"Watch out, this is MY ribbon"... Kane poses with the certificate ribbon.
August 17th, 2008 - new show
The Norwegian Kennel Club's international show in Drammen in blazing sun. Kane still in junior class, getting another qualification for Crufts. Judge Cristian Petre Stavarache of Romania with an entry of 5 Cattledogs, of which 3 showed. Kane was given a CK, but in competition with a Swedish champion male he placed as second in the Best Male Class.
The written critique: "Typical, medium size, scissor bite, head with good profile, wish more colored eyes. Neck well masculine, good backline. Chest sufficient deep and wide, body with good proportions. Legs well angulated. Good bone. Good movement, excellent temperament, good color coat".
July 27th, 2008
Kane was awarded a certificate - his second - from Junior class by Swedish judge Ove Gjermundsson at the Moss Hundeklubbs yearly summer show, as well as being Best of Breed.
The critique, in Swedish, goes: "Drygt 1 årig han av utmärkt model. Bred bra (hode) med velplasserte ører, bra stopp, nesteparti og bitt. Utmärkt hals og rygg. Noe kort i krysset. Passende benstamme og bra tasser. Velformet front og brystkasse. Rør seg utmärket fram og fra siden, noe trang bak. Meget lovende i alle deler".
Friday July 4th, 2008
Kane was entered in the Junior Class at the World Dog Show in Stockholm, and went into the ring as the first cattledog of the day. Judge Knut-Sigurd Wilberg said this about young Kane: "Male of very good type, very promising. Well built and well moving".
Behaving like a prince, Kane earned his title Junior World Winner-08!
Kane at his official photo from the World Dog Show, with his newly acquired title Junior World Winner-08
Kane at his official photo from the World Dog Show, with his newly acquired title Junior World Winner-08
Sunday June 29th, 2008
Kane was shown in Junior Class at the Norwegian Kennel Club's Jubilee show in Oslo for judge Per Svarstad. He got an excellent written critique, and got 1st in quality, won the Junior Class being the sole young male there, and also got a HP with the following written critique: "Good size, masculine head, good bredth of scull, good neck and back, excellent front, well developed body, not enough angulation in the rear, good angulation, excellent movement, rough coat, shows himself well".
June 14th, 2008 Mentality Assessment
Kane's result on the mentality assessment at Grums Brukshundklub June 14th, assessor Mikael Pålblad.
1a.Kontakt hälsning: 4 1b.Kontakt samarb.: 4 1c.Kontakt hantering: 3 2a.Lek 1 leklust: 4 2b.Lek 1 gripande: 4 2c.Lek 1 grip/dragk: 4 3a 1.Förföljande: 4 3a 2.Förföljande: 4 3b 1.Gripande: 4 3b 2.Gripande: 4 4.Aktivitet: 3 5a.Avst.lek intresse: 2 5b.Avst.lek hot/aggr: 1 5c.Avst.lek nyfiken: 3 5d.Avst.lek leklust: 5 5e.Avst.lek samarb.: 1 6a.Överr. rädsla: 4 6b.Överr. hot/agg: 3 6c.Överr. nyfikenhet: 3 6d.Överr. kv. rädsla: 2 6e.Överr. kv. intr.: 1 7a.Ljud rädsla: 3 7b.Ljud nyfikenhet: 5 7c.Ljud kv. rädsla: 1 7d.Ljud kv. intresse: 3 8a.Spöken hot/agg: 1 8b.Spöken kontroll: 4 8c.Spöken rädsla: 1 8d.Spöken nyfikenhet: 4 8e.Spöken kontakt: 4 9a.Lek 2 leklust: 4 9b.Lek 2 gripande: 4 10.Skott: 1
Kane having a tug of war with the test leader, who was very pleased with the response
Kane having a tug of war with the test leader, who was very pleased with the response
No worries for Kane when the two "ghosts" in the Swedish mentality test appeared suddenly, he kept in front the whole time
No worries for Kane when the two "ghosts" in the Swedish mentality test appeared suddenly, he kept in front the whole time
May 3rd, 2008
We travelled down to the Swedish ACD specialty show in Backamo, where judge Yvonne Brink had 14 cattledogs entered, which is about 13 more than you ever see around here, so it was worth the trip. Kane came into the ring as the first dog, in junior class, and behaved well. The judge had this to say about him: "Masculine head. Good proportions, Well filled muzzle. Good jaw. Good neck, shoulders, forearms and chest. Good back, a bit short in loin. Medium boned. Could have more knee angulation. Moves well, must become firmer as a whole". He got a first prize in quality as well as a HP, which means "honorary price" which is given to young dogs. He did, however, not get a CK so he was not in the competition for any certificate - so were no other males in the young dog or open classes, as they all went out with 2nd in quality.
Arriving at the Swedish ACD specialty with two kinds of heelers.
Arriving at the Swedish ACD specialty with two kinds of heelers.
April 26th, 2008
Kane was awarded his first certificate at his first "real" dog show, debuting in the Junior class at Norsk Dobermann Klubs show at Stange, Hamar. There was no competition, and Kane was also Best of Breed, but judge Denis Kuzelj of Slovenia had this to say about young Kane:
"Excellent type, enough strong and compact body. Nice head and expression. Dark eyes and complete scissor bite. Correct top line. Strong angulation. Nice harsh coat. Excellent movement. Excellent temperament".
A nice start for the young man, and the day was topped by Ponny the Heeler going Best of Breed, and showing like the prince he is.
Kane and Ponny with their prizes!
Kane and Ponny with their prizes!
November 10th, 2007 - Kane's show debut
Kane debuts at his first ever show, and it went great. It was at the Kongsberg Dog Club's annual show, which in addition to adult dogs also attracts quite a few puppies. As expected, he was the only ACD entered for judge Tatjana Urek of Slovenia, who had this to say in the written critique: "Correct type, correct head and expression. Scissor bite. Level topline. Correct tail setting. Correct angulation in front. A bit narrow behind. Good quality of coat. Good temperament". He got his Best of Breed, and a lot of good training!
Then we went into the group ring for judge Claudio De Guiliani of Italy, who earlier had judged a lot of the adult working breed dogs. Kane showed well, and was picked out among the first cut of six or seven dogs, and then again - he was awarded the group 3rd! A great day for the two cattle boys, since Ponny the heeler also won Best of Breed. No pictures, I'm afraid...