The One and Only Little Big Man
Ponny likes winter if the roads have been plowed...
Ponny likes winter if the roads have been plowed...
The Search for the Perfect Companion
There is none better. Ponny, the bravest and most loyal.
There is none better. Ponny, the bravest and most loyal.
Ponny, December 10th, 2009. In March he will be eight years, unbelievable.
Ponny, December 10th, 2009. In March he will be eight years, unbelievable.
Here he goes!
Here he goes!
How one small dog can impress huge dogs as well as all of us who knows him.
I never was that fond of small dogs when I decided to get a "companion dog" for my big dog! Looking back, it's a bit of an insult... But my working German Shepherd "Panter" had been coming with me to work, when a wicked boss put his foot down and she had to stay at home. She had never done that without the company of my big Borzoi, "Simon", and the search for a smaller dog began to keep her company - so I thought.
I almost got a Parson Russell Terrier but decided against a dog with a lot of hunting instinct. A small Shepherd dog, did those exist? I suddenly remembered a small, black and tan dog we'd met at obedience competitions, and even remembered the breed name!
I found the name of a Swedish breeder, who suggested I called a Norwegian breeder who just happened to have puppies at that exact time. So I did, and just in a few days I'd been down to visit Astrid as well as meeting a very tiny little liver and tan guy... and his mother, brothers and sisters.
I think his litter was about the second heeler litter ever born in Norway, and it took years before the next. But at the same instance I was looking for a heeler pup, there he was - the only one left in the litter of five. I had planned for a little black and tan girl with big ears to match the Shepherd, and instead got my big, brown, tip-eared, golden-eyed boy.
Astrid must have been a bit of a psychic in naming him. Ponny's full name is Harmony Way's Little Big Man, and there is none bigger than him around now... he is a tough, sturdy, self confident dog who rarely budges, be it moose, horse, great dane or man, at the same time being kind to puppies and children.
Panter and Ponny loved each other dearly, she guarded him from other males if they tried to fight him, and helped me raise him. If Ponny did not come on recall, she ran out to get him. On the picture, they pose in the beach chairs like two old friends. Now he helps me raising young Kane, being endlessly patient as well as strict - all at the right times.
The first time the two "cattleboys" met was at the Swedish farm where Kane is born. Outside my car two grown cattle dog girls were waiting, and two curious, four month old puppies who had hardly seen strange dogs before. Well, the little guy took one look, jumped out of the car in front of his audience, trotted calmly past them to pee at the corner of the barn. Then he said hello to the lovely ladies, ignored the pups, and set out to wander to property.
Kane was one of those pups, of course, and followed this strange little dog around for about two hours. Then, travelling a long way back to Oslo, Ponny was his streetwise mentor in how to live in a big city - and still is.
Now Kane is a young man, whom other - older - males sometimes wants to dominate. It is totally fascinating, as well as exceedingly impressive, how Ponny will walk past Kane - and block the way for the other dog.
He does not say anything, just a low growl, and he will stand there - tail up, eyes yellow and hard like an eagle. Even big mastiffs will not pass him. He is brave, fearless and utterly courageous. And for those who worry - if anyone goes for him, Kane and I together with the little guy himself will overwhelm most of them....
Ponny with his new companion after Panter passed away, little Kane - here fresh out of the Swedish countryside.
Ponny with his new companion after Panter passed away, little Kane - here fresh out of the Swedish countryside.
Ponny with our beloved Panter (1998-2007), who I think taught him most about undying loyalty. She guarded him against all evil things in this world, and I am sure she is there somewhere at rainbow bridge trying to get back down here - when she thinks the rest of us does to poor a job.
Panter the working German Shepherd was Ponny's first protector. Now Ponny looks after Kane, passing it on.
Panter the working German Shepherd was Ponny's first protector. Now Ponny looks after Kane, passing it on.
When my sister's daughter returned from England, she brought with him Mac the muscle whippet. He has become a close friend to Ponny's as well as Kane's. They are a formidable trio: Fearless, agile and fast!
Mac the muscle whippet has joined the extended group of friends.
Mac the muscle whippet has joined the extended group of friends.
Ponny retrieving the dumbbell meant for much bigger dogs, of course.
Ponny retrieving the dumbbell meant for much bigger dogs, of course.